Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

My friend, Graham, at a Hebridean in New Zealand, posts every Thursday about things he's grateful for.  I think it's a great idea!  Makes us take the time to focus on the things that are right, instead of the things that are wrong.

This particular week, I'm thankful for this:
Notice the 3 or 4 inches between the slide on the motorhome and the electrical meter? Well, a couple of days ago, we were sitting outside, and I noticed that the slide was resting on that meter! $%@#*!!!

We've had problems with our levelers for EVER! When we first got here, we cleared that meter by about an inch, but over a few days, something had changed and it became an issue. One of the problems with the levelers is that when we start the engine, the levelers will DROP! abruptly, and we can't bring in the slides without starting the engine.

After seeing the slide on the meter (and having had a couple of glasses of wine), we decided to do nothing at that point. However, we didn't sleep that night, imagining the worst case scenerio...

Our levelers had only touched down to keep us from wobbling as we walked around inside the mh, we hadn't had to really use them to "level" the coach.
Thank God for that.

Next morning, we looked at one another with deer in the headlight eyes, and knew that we needed to do something. In my mind, the coach would DROP(!), the slide would crunch somehow, and we would have to find someone to come to us to do something about not being able to get the slide back in! The sense of doom was THICK in here!

Well, I'm thankful tonight because since we had only touched down the levelers, not had any part of the mh "raised" to level, when we turned the engine on...smooth as a baby's hiney! I could have cried with joy! Then we moved it over, out of harm's way.
Yes, I am thankful! Whew!


  1. I'm just catching up after being away for three days without internet! Oh boy I'm sure that I wouldn't have slept very well either. I'm so glad that it all went well for you in the end.
