Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mission Bay Park

Not a bad view from the old home on wheels, right?  Well, okay, this is a bit of a close up. Hehe. 
Here's the real view.
And in the 3 days since we've been here our view has been cut again by other motorhomes coming in to spend Christmas in beautiful San Diego.  Well, it's beautiful, sunny, warm, and picturesque when you're not having the storm of the decade whip through! Today is supposed to be the last day of the Pineapple Express, which is the very water laden trough that goes through Hawaii to pick up more moisture, then on to CA. 
The last time I remember experiencing a huge Pineapple Express was in 1982.  19" of rain in 24 hours.  A whole mountain became a monsterous mudslide that buried houses and took lives.  Although we have gotten a tremendous amount of rain, I don't think it has been anywhere near the storm of '82.  Thank you God!
I see a skinny strip of blue sky off in the distance...can't wait to show you a picture when it's all sunny!


  1. At least it's warm rain, instead of our cold rain!

  2. Batten down the hatches and have a Merry Christmas!

  3. Ah, yes, Mission Bay Park. Such a nice place when it's nice. True what the song says - never rains in California but it pours, man it pours! Isn't the beach lovely when it rains, though - the one time you can have it all to yourself and the birds.
    Happy Christmas!

  4. Love the name Pineapple Express but not sure that I actually want to experience one. Gales and rain are so common in the Outer Hebrides that when I'm in CA I'd want sun. In fact the only time I've met rain in CA was when we decided to go round the wineries and boy did it rain.
