Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday My Town Shoot Out

Fountains, sculptures, murals is the topic this week. And, although I'm not in one particular town these days, I thought this might fit in. Certainly, this is a sculpture on a grand scale.
Once a year, an event called Volksmarch, Black Hills, SD, allows the public to hike a 10K up to the very face of Crazy Horse Memorial. It was a sunny, warm day, and as we got close, I was begging to know how much farther.
Granite. Imagine this. Blasting to begin the first shape.
I don't know that it will ever really be completed, as it has been going on for 60 years at this point, but I sure love the idea of it. Here's a picture off the internet of what the memorial should eventually look like.
Wow. To see more wonderful photos from Friday My Town Shootout, please go here! Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Sitting in the passenger seat this afternoon, I listened as Hubby answered his phone.

"Hi, Bonnie. How're you doing?" He was quiet for a long time. Knowing she had been in ill health, this was worrisome. But then, his eyes started bugging out, and his mouth dropped. I noticed that he had goose bumps from head to toe, seriously. His summer attire is tank top and shorts. I saw it all. Could it be?

We've been in relax bored mode recently, after our clients' monthly commercials had been created and placed. Just this morning, we found ourselves pacing this box-on-wheels, wondering what to do. Yes, another trip to the grocery, three days in a row. Ho, hum. Not my favorite by any means, but it took us all out of the motorhome, and was a nice outing for Shasta.

"Oh, my God. Really? Wait, let me hand Lisa the phone, tell her."

Long story, short, we've been waiting five months to hear back from a publisher about Hubby's book, KICKIN' OUT THE JAMS. Yes, it will be published. They love it. We love it. Knowing this, we'll be very busy in the next few months. More details to come. Thank you, Ms. Bonnie. You are amazing. And, I'm so proud of him.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I have to say, now that we've moved on from Montana, I am missing the possibility of seeing some wild aminals. We have a video of some adult Bison walking up to the middle of the road and staying there while the babies crossed the road. Only then did they cross themselves.
Pronghorn Antelope across the river from our campsite. We were surprised that he was out here all by himself.
Montana is beautiful, no matter where you go. We spent a few weeks in Yellowstone Park (a $10 senior pass will get you into any National Park for free), and a week in the Missoula area, which has the Clark Fork River running through it, back and forth across town. Gorgeous. We'll definitely come back here again.
In fact, we've been so impressed with South Dakota and Montana (and always Washington, Oregon, &, home, California) that we may retrace our steps again next year!